Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Welcome, and Hello :D

Firstly, I highly doubt any one will read this but I have to start with something, don't I?

So here it goes, I'll introduce myself by telling you a bit about me, I have a dog who I love very much, two budgies (who are not very kind to me I must add but I love them still) I love animals and plants, I love drawing and art, I love running and playing sport and I love to smile :D So welcome and Hello to anyone reading this and I would lve to know a bit about you (and your blog if you like) please follow, hopefully the posts will get better as we go.

So please have a fantastic day, and keep smiling :D

P.s here is a drawing of my pets, just for you :)


  1. Hi I just read all your posts (up to the carrolling one) and just wanted to say I really like your blog. It's positive, and it's cute. Would you like to check out my blog?

  2. Thankyou :D I just started blogging, so it's great to have some positive feedback :)
    Sure! I would love to, I will right now. :D

  3. I like this blog a lot!

  4. I've read all your posts and I'm going to click the follow button :D
    Your blog is funny and cheerful...I LIKE IT!


  5. Aw thankyou! It's great to know that people like some things I have done! I hope you enjoy! :D


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