Something I have never done before, and don't plan on doing again, is caroling. I don't really think caroling is a big thing here in Australia, but it was something to do, and a way to spread Christmas cheer :D
Instead of walking around the neighbourhood singing to random people we decided to sing out the front of my house.
At first no one walked by and so we just waved to passing cars with our Santa hats on our heads. We thought we were doing a nice thing but the people driving didn't see it that way, they would swerve their cars to keep away from us or give us frowns and shake their heads.

After a while of spreading Christmas cheer to drivers, eventually a couple walking their dog came down our street. We ran to the porch and sang the 12 days of Christmas in our best voices (which are not that good :/ Ha) and the couple clapped when we were done and walked on. I felt proud since that was the first time I had ever recieved positive feed back for my singing.
Another couple walked by, we had not planned on having to sing two songsand so we decided on Jingle bells. The young couple exchanged confused looks and continued walking. After that we didn't get many people walking by and so we got bored and went inside.
Our caroling wasn't sucsessfull, it wasn't traditonal, it wasn't very good, but it was fun and a great way to spread the festive spirit :D I don't know if i'll ever do it again but I reccomend you all to try it, hahah :D
Happy Holidays to you all and Merry Caroling :D
Smile lots ♥