It seems that I am the only person in the entire world who doesn't have it. (well not literally but you know)
All of my friends are obsessed, I see their facebook statuses, "Tumblr is my life".
Really? Isn't that a tad over the top?
I think I need someone to explain the point of tumblr to me because from my point of view it is a whole lot of copying other peoples pictures of girls in bikinis or animated harry potter gifs. (hahaha, though I must admit, some are funny

I also don't understand how one person's Tumblr can be 'amazing' when they have just re blogged the same pictures as everyone else.
I don't know if I'm missing something, but I just don't seem to get the point of it!
If you would like, I would love to hear your thoughts!!! :D
I think I'll stick to Blogger for now!!
Keep smiling C: